The following is a list of existing and potential committees and clubs to promote involvement and increase communication throughout our neighborhood. Our community has a crucial need for volunteers in various areas. The more homeowners we have involved, the better communication and positive relations will exist. It is not an exhaustive list…all ideas are welcome.
Beautification Committee
Martha Woods - Chair, Judy Lee: Objectives to improve, on a voluntary basis, the landscaping appearances of our community’s common grounds; sanctioned by the HOA; the effort will be on open and readily visible areas, not individual buildings, with emphasis on flowering plantings.
Community Improvements
Ad Hoc group, generally comprised of owners doing "things" around the community to improve all around conditions and apperances. In alphabetical order: Tod Dunn, David Lee, Bill Grant, Ernie Guyton, Martin Strick, Don Woods.
Social Activities
PO Box 79032
Charlotte, NC 28271-0030
Phone : (828) 348-0324